Short Field Landing
Each contestant will make three landings, provided sufficient time is available. The second and third takeoffs, if safety permits, will be from touch and go. Power must be reduced opposite the spot of intended landing. From this point on, performance will be judged on the basis of an approach without having to reapply power to correct for obvious errors, planning a proper approach path, and the ability to attain and hold proper approach speeds in accordance with accepted short field technique. Proper spacing in the pattern shall be maintained by each contestant. If proper spacing cannot be maintained, the overtaking airplane shall make a go-around and the contestant shall be disqualified. All aircraft shall be judged on the basis of a constant angle of approach, that is, one in which no rapid or radical change in attitude of the aircraft is made. A target line will be marked on the runway, a safe distance from the approach end. A white foul line will be placed 100 feet short of the target line and another white foul line 200 feet beyond the target line. All landings within the white lines will be scored at their actual distance in feet from the target line where both main landing gear touchdown and remain firmly on the ground.